In choosing the fonts for your website, you will need to consider what fonts you want for three areas of your website:
Navigation Fonts
Header Fonts
Body Fonts
These three areas are the three basic areas for different types of fonts. Many websites have the header fonts match the navigation fonts. In that case, you would only need to track down two kinds of fonts.
These fonts will be in the navigation bar and in the footer. They will communicate to the user that they are looking at a section of the website which will help them to navigate through the website. These fonts need to be easy to read. Don’t choose a fancy cursive script. Whatever you choose needs to be clean and crisp so that the user at a glance knows what the link on the navigation bar is saying. Many times these navigation fonts are capitalized to increase their clarity. Whatever font you choose, you will want to make sure that it looks good capitalized. The most common navigation fonts are: Roboto, Opens Sans, and Ubuntu.
On a mobile device, sometimes a navigation bar made up of icons is cleanest and simplest because it looks like a mobile app on your phone.
These fonts will list the titles to your blog articles. They will be the large print headers which announce what that page is about and the smaller headers which subdivide each page into sections. Many times these fonts are the same as what was used for the navigation bar. Although most fonts on a webpage are sans-serif, if you want to choose a serif font or a fancy cursive font, this is your chance. Artistic license is permitted at this point because you are looking to provide a feel for the website’s user experience. Try to keep it easy to read, and make sure that the font you choose fits in with your overall theme. Sometimes, websites will vary the color of these fonts in order to dress up the webpage artistically, so keep that in mind. The most common header fonts are: Montserrat, Merriweather, and Raleway.
These fonts are for the body sections of your website: that is, the paragraphs, the articles, the substance of what your website is about. With these fonts, don’t get fancy! Keep it simple. Use sans-serif fonts. Try to pick out fonts that your user will find enjoyable to read. The most common body fonts are: Work Sans, Open Sans, and Lato.